California Natural Dog Food Ingredient Change?

by Elvira
(Schaumburg IL)

Has California Natural changed their ingredients? All of a sudden my dog started scratching and his skin is flaking now. I was wondering if anyone else is having this problem now.


Editor's Note:

See here for more visitor comments on California Natural Dog Food.

If anyone else is noticing a difference in their dogs while feeding California Natural, and suspects there may be a change in ingredients, please share your comments here.

Comments for California Natural Dog Food Ingredient Change?

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Dec 16, 2011
Color different
by: Anonymous

I also noticed a difference in the food. The kibbles are much lighter in color for one. If they didn't change it then why does it look different?

Sep 18, 2011
Natura Pet foods
by: Bev Jordan

There is a class action suit against the makers of Evo,California Natural, Healthwise, Mother Nature & Karma (Natura) dog & cat food. You may call 1-888-768-2047 or go on-line at to find details; it is for all who purchased any of their foods from March 20,2005 through July 8,2011. The ad was in the Sunday Supplement to many newspapers USA Weekend. I have joined in the suit. Probably very little compensation, but I want to give them all the grief that I can.

Sep 17, 2011
Dog Itching
by: JB

My local pet store told me that California Natural was purchased by giant P&G. She decided to stop selling the product due to the past issues with P&G's changing of ingredients. My stubborness did not want to give in and sadly it has affected my dog.

Lately, my dog has been having flaky skin and itching like I've never seen. My first thought was that he had fleas. I washed everything in the house and bought yucky pesticides to kill any flea larvae that maybe residing in the carpets, furniture, etc. After a week, he was still itching like crazy. The vet said no fleas.

The only possibility is the food. He has been on California Natural for a year now. Out of nowhere he is scratching. The only thing I can think of is a change in food ingredients. Time to switch brands!

Sep 03, 2011
My dog is scratching after new P&G change
by: Tulsa

I just bought the new P&G version of California Naturals and my dog is scratching. She hasn't done this since she was a puppy (now 7).

It took us several months to figure out the right formula of dog food. The California Naturals kibble and wet worked, so we stuck with it for 7 years. All of a sudden she's scratching and the only difference is we ran out of her old dog food and bought a new bag (and cans) of the California Naturals. I noticed that the kibble looked slightly different and soon after noticed she was scratching. I googled "did California Naturals Dog Food Change?" and came across this blog. So relieved to find others with same problem. Now the search is on for another dog food.

Any recommendations? She was on lamb and rice. Thank you.

Aug 22, 2011
Thank you
by: Baylee's mom

Thank you all for adding these comments. My 12-year-old basset hound has had major skin problems for years. After I put her on California Natural, her skin improved dramatically.

I quit buying it recently because P&G took over, and thought I'd give it another try. But, after reading these comments, I'd say not. So disappointing. I don't know what food to give her now. The other foods I've tried haven't been nearly as effective. She's itching the way she used to before I started her on California Natural.

Aug 17, 2011
No more Innova or Evo
by: Anonymous

I have always fed may 3 year old papillon Natura products. (Innova puppy and then Evo until innova started putting their food in PetsMart and Petco). I thought this was weird when they started selling at petsmart and petco because this food never advertises. It must be the P&G company advertising them.

Well Since I put her on Innova, My dog is always itchy on her paws and arm pits and her stools are much softer. She has been getting lots of cleanups on her hind end because of this. The fur on her paws turned that nasty red color from her licking at them. It looks bad. After doing my research today, I will be switching to Orijen. Hopefully she won't be as itchy anymore and her stools will go back to normal.

Apr 23, 2011
My dog had severe problems with this food
by: Nicole

My dog had severe problems with this food this month. He had eaten California Natural dog food pretty much his entire life with excellent results.

Immediately upon word of the purchase by P&G, I bought as many bags of food that I could find before they had a chance to do anything to it. I ran out this month and had to buy a post P&G purchase bag. I thought I would give it a chance.

What a nightmare.

For the first time ever, my dog smelled doggy. He has never smelled. His coat was also rougher. He had such severe diarrhea that membranous tissue came out from his stomach. He goes in and out 4 or 5 times immediately in a row after he does diarrhea, chewing on grass and straining.

Thankfully, I have a dog door. He has done diarrhea in the house on my carpet twice. He has never done this in this life. He is 100lbs. This is not a pretty sight.

They have either changed the ingredients, changed the amount of ingredients, changed the sourcing of ingredients to a lesser quality or all of the above. I have switched him to another simple food but since I can?t transition slowly, it will be a work in process. Today is day two and so far so good.

What a shame. I knew this would happen but gave P&G the benefit of the doubt. I thought how could they tinker with food for dogs that are sensitive. They wouldn?t do that just for profit. Wrong.

I also feed my cats EVO and will be changing that as well.

Jan 28, 2011
Yes, Yes, Yes
by: Melissa

I've had the same issues with the latest Innova Puppy and Innova Small Bites I've purchased for my dogs. My puppy's stools are softer and she is drinking water like crazy. My adult dog is itching and biting his skin and his eyes are very red. They both have the flaking, but my vet attributed it to laying in front of the heater vent during the winter months and their skin drying out. I now know it may be a formula change since the take over with P&G. I'm glad someone else is seeing the same issues.

Dec 25, 2010
No More California Natural
by: Bev Jordan

Could well be; the makers of California Natural, Innova, etc. were purchased by Proctor & Gamble as you may or may not know.

In the past they have changed every pet food product that they have purchased; and for your info: P & G continues to experiment on animals & that's enough reason for any animal lover to spurn ALL of their products as I have done for many years.

Don't despair. There are many competing products in the marketplace including quite a few great pet foods. Check this site out for more on pet foods.

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