Canned dog food ingredients...YUCK!

by Deanna B.
(Tucson AZ)

I started doing dog food research about two months ago because I found out what "animal digest" is.

I have been gradually switching over my dog's dry foods. Then I took a look at the canned, because I feed them their dinner with added stuff so I can sneak in their Glucosamine Condrotin supplements. I don't like things on the label that aren't specific, such as vegetable oil, or "natural" flavors...natural flavors of what?

So I make my own now and it's super easy!

Last time I used a whole chicken, minus the skin for lower fat, and put it in the crock pot with a can of low sodium, fat free chicken broth. Left it on low for 6-8 hours. I removed the chicken and added potatoes, carrots and uncooked rice to the broth, those were done in about 2 hours. Then I turned the crock pot off and added a bag of frozen peas. I found that adding everything at once makes all the veggies mush and adding the frozen peas at the end helps cool stuff down quicker so it can be packaged sooner.

I've also made a batch of beef food, that's how I found out the peas turn to mush if you add them too soon!

My dogs seem very pleased with their new "canned" food, but they'll also eat horse poop so.....

It's super easy and now I know exactly what goes in my dog's canned food. I think it's probably cheaper too!

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Jun 04, 2011
My idea
by: Alex

I love to feed my dogs with stuff that I either know what's in it or made it myself.

A good guideline for balancing you pup's food is 60% protein, 20% fruit, 20% veggies - unless you feed a grain then it's 60% protein, 20% fruit, 10% veggies, 10% grain.

NEVER feed onions! I do prefer raw protein to cooked but it's all a matter of opinion.

Dec 08, 2010
That's funny!
by: h2octs&dgs

I think all dogs eat horse poop! :-)

Do you also supplement with vitamins and such? I would love to make my own dog food, but I'm concerned I wouldn't balance it correctly.

Any help on this?

Nov 21, 2010
Enough vitamins, etc.
by: Anonymous

Deanna: I too, make lots of my pals food.

Two things: If you do, be sure that they get supplements that will be what is needed for their well being as even the worst dog foods have needed supplements.

Second, I also use very high quality processed foods, both dry & canned. There are plenty around. You can go on this very website and see the criteria for good dog foods. No Natura products though; they sold out to P&G, and they do use animals in their unnecessary experiments, torturing and killing them.

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