Change in Evo Natura Chicken/Turkey Formula ?

by Joanna
(Ashland, Or)

Greetings dog lovers, we wonder if anyone else is having the same experience.

In the past two months we observed that our large dogs are not interested in eating their Evo Natura, Chicken/Turkey kibble.

We buy ours at our farmers co-op so they move through them fairly rapidly. When Proctor & Gamble took over they stopped giving us a free bag there per every 10. We have to mail them in instead. We bought a Wilderness Duck instead to try it out and they will give you one for so many coupons turned in. The dogs really liked it. When we received our coupon in the mail we picked up the Evo. They won't eat it this morning, left their bowls untouched.

What's up?!

Concerned in Oregon.

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Feb 08, 2013
EVO Chicken & Turkey
by: Shelly

One of our dogs threw up for a week and the other one threw up 3 days but not in a row and had runny poop for a week. Something is different.

Dec 22, 2011
Something definitely changed
by: Jim

I suspect a serious change in how the Nutra Brands EVO Turkey & Chicken formula is being sourced or manufactured. Now that Proctor & Gamble owns it (purchased about a year ago) and supplies or contracts have cycled.

Our Corgi is suddenly experiencing severe Colitis. Two courses of antibiotics, hospitalization and a de-worm treatment have left only one possibility for the recent change in her stool and ability to excrete, the EVO.

I highly recommend anyone still buying any of the prior Nutra brands to switch before it results in health issues and Veterinary costs. Of course, this is just my experience and opinion.

Aug 11, 2011
Change In Size & Texture
by: Anonymous

We have been feeding the Evo Chicken/Turkey Small Bites to our rescue dog for a little over a year. I did notice on our last bag that the size of the bites are a little smaller, darker, and more dense in texture. He now doesn't eat it without adding something else to it, like adding a little bit of wet dog food.

Even though it says they haven't changed any of the ingredients on their website, I'm wondering why it looks totally different. Maybe it's time to try something else.

May 31, 2011
Same thing here too!
by: Anonymous

We're having the same problem here too in Pennsylvania. Have 2 dogs. Both lost interest. We purchased ours May 1st & threw out the bags when we dumped it into their bins since we never had a problem before so we don't even have lot numbers. I've been covering it with peanut butter out of desperation and that's not even working anymore. They just look at it and walk away.

May 01, 2011
EVO turkey chicken
by: Anonymous

Yup, I bought food yesterday. This morning the dogs won't eat it.

Apr 16, 2011
Same thing here!
by: Anonymous

Our cats in the last month are not too happy with the Evo Chicken and Turkey. They loved it before!
Also in Oregon.

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