Changing Puppy Food

by Latifah Kassam

This is him when we got him last week

This is him when we got him last week

I got a new puppy Chihuahua and he is now 8 weeks old.

When we bought him he wasn't eating the dry dog food his breeder gave to us, so we changed his food to Junior Puppy with chicken flavor. This is his 3rd day eating it and he likes it but we have noticed his poo has changed to a slightly brighter colour and has gone runny and he is pooing more often.

Should we be concerned and do you have any advice for us? Please write back soon, we are worried.


Editor's Answer:

Hello Latifah -

If it was an abrupt change from his usual diet, it's quite common for puppies and dogs to experience some short-term stomach upset and diarrhea.

In future, you can avoid this discomfort by changing foods over slowly. Mix a small amount of the new kibble with his regular kibble, gradually increasing it every day until you've made a full switch. A period of five to ten days should be fine.

For now, you can help settle his stomach and firm up his stools by adding half a teaspoon of plain, unsweetened, pureed canned pumpkin to his dry kibble, or even give it to him directly if he likes it.

You can normally find it in your local supermarket in the baking aisle. Be sure NOT to purchase the "pumpkin pie filling" which is loaded with sugar and whatnot!

Pureed pumpkin is a wonderful, and very healthy, natural remedy for both diarrhea AND constipation in dogs. You don't need to give him a lot, and you should notice a big difference very quickly.

Remember:  If your puppy isn't showing marked improvement within the next 24 hours, of if he appears to be in any pain, please take him to your vet immediately!

Hope this helps. Hugs to your adorable new puppy.

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