Dog Food Recall 2007
An Unfortunate Accident or Greed Before Morals?

The appalling events leading to the massive dog food recall of 2007 caused public outrage.

United States companies were knowingly and deceitfully importing from China, a product alleged to be “wheat gluten”.

Dog Surgery

In actuality, the product was deliberately contaminated with “melamine” to appear as though it had a higher protein level than was actually present. Melamine is used to create products such as plastics, cleaning agents, glues, inks, and fertilizers!!!

Another ingredient found while investigating the recall was cyanuric acid. Cyanuric acid is a chemical most commonly used as a disinfectant for swimming pool water.

These two agents combined, result in kidney toxicity and subsequent renal failure.

You can read all the details here, including the indictments of two Chinese companies and one American importer.

It leaves one with a very uneasy feeling, knowing that even the most honorable dog food companies can unwittingly be deceived into supplying toxic products to our beloved pets.

We at Dog Food Scoop pay special attention to ingredients imported from China. Chinese produced foods have very poor controls and regulations, and are just plain unsafe.

We contact each dog food company directly to find out whether their products contain any China imports, and we provide the answer in all of our dog food reviews.

We update our site regularly with news of any current pet food recalls. And please help us out, if you know of any recalls that we haven't listed here, please let us know. Together, we can help keep all our furry friends safe!

2007 Dog Food Recall Updates

February, 2010
ChemNutra Business Owners Sentenced in Federal Court

Sally Qing Miller, 43, a Chinese national, and her husband, Stephen S. Miller, 57, both of Las Vegas, Nevada, were sentenced by U.S. Magistrate Judge John T. Maughmer to three years of probation.

The court also ordered their company, Chemnutra, Inc., to pay a $25,000 fine. Sally Miller and Stephen Miller were each ordered to pay a $5,000 fine.

The court ruled that no further restitution would be imposed in light of a $24 million settlement in the related civil suit reached in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey.

See press release from the Office of the United States Attorney.

June, 2009
ChemNutra to Plead Guilty

Husband and wife, and co-owners of Las Vegas based ChemNutra Inc. to plead guilty in charges related to melamine-tainted pet food that killed thousands of dogs and cats in 2007.
Read full ChemNutra details here.

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