Need an Exclusive Dog Food Review?
Just Yelp, You're at the Right Place

United States companies were knowingly and deceitfully importing from China, a product alleged to be "wheat gluten".

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Two dogs peeking

Can't find a particular dog food review?

Or maybe a certain puppy kibble?

Or perhaps you're just looking for a second opinion?

No problem!

Dog Food Scoop is young, bright eyed and bushy tailed!
We're very busy behind the scenes ... snooping around, and sniffing about!

We can assure you, we're working super hard to deliver the best dog food comparison stop.

We're kicking off with dog food ratings of what we consider to be among the top 10 best dog food brands on the market, and then pushing forward from there.

Now is the best time to send us your requests, as we will be prioritizing our dog food reviews according to "popular demand".

If you have any other comments or suggestions for our site, we'd love to hear from you. Please visit "Community Scoop", our brand new Interactive Off Leash Dog Parks. You'll find various forums where you can:-

There's a dog park for everyone and we value your opinions! Check it out and join in with your own stories on anything and everything doggie related!

Now, just fill out the following form and, to avoid any hold-ups, please take care to give full details including the exact dog food product name.

Oh, and please don't worry, your e-mail address is totally safe with us, and will never be shared with anyone for any reason.

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