Eagle Pack dog food - according to our dog food comparison - is right up there with some of the best quality dog food brands available. We found that they are consistently recommended as one of the best commercial dog food companies by experts and consumers alike.
They are also featured in the Whole Dog Journal's list of approved dog foods.
Eagle Pack dog food was family founded some 40 years ago. In early 2009, they merged with Old Mother Hubbard, and created Wellpet LLC, based in Tewksbury, Massachusetts. Wellpet is also the parent company of Wellness dog food.
Since the merger, Eagle Pack continues to manufacture their dry dog food at their own USDA/APHIS inspected plant in Mishawaka, Indiana. They also utilize a rigid on-site testing and quality control program.
The representative we spoke with told us there had been no changes to their premium dog food recipes since the merger, nor were there any plans to make future changes. She confirmed that the products are all natural, human grade dog food, hormone and antibiotic free, and void of artificial chemical preservatives, additives, and by-products. Their grains are pesticide free.
The majority of Eagle Pack's dog food ingredients are locally sourced, or purchased from reputable countries such as Australia and New Zealand, and their duck is imported from Germany. The only ingredient they source from China is glucosamine, due to lack of availability from other countries. This ingredient is tested by their supplier, Trial Nutritious (Illinois), and they also conduct their own on-site testing. They offer two product lines: Holistic Select and Eagle Pack Super Premium dog food.
The Holistic Select® brand makes our list of 10 Best Dog Food Brands. It is a hypoallergenic dog food with unique ingredients such as duck, organic quinoa, additional fruits and vegetables and additional holistic supplements. Any dog food ingredients that they perceive as not being holistic have been removed from their dog food recipe.
They also offer a pork based product which is also considered an allergy free dog food, and not found in many other brands.
This top dog food also includes prebiotics, probiotics, digestive enzymes, chelated vitamins and minerals, kelp and many more of the best quality dog food ingredients.
Official Website: www.holisticselect.com
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