I am trying Science Diet. so far so good

by Gloria Bagley
(Waldoboro, Me.)



Science Diet seems to be ok but Emma has a lot of itching.

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May 09, 2014
by: Anonymous

The wheat is probably causing the itch. Mine had such hot spots while on it, but I didn't realize what was causing it until my vet mentioned the allergic reaction to the food. He disclosed to me the reason they carry Science Diet is because they get one bag for each bag they sell. So, it is a money-making deal and not necessarily the best choice for your baby.

Nov 16, 2010
Science Diet
by: Randall

It is loaded with corn which many dogs are allergic to. Read the ingredient list on the bag/can and you will find corn as the first or second ingredient. Why vets recommend this crap is beyond me...save for the kickbacks and freebies they get from Hills

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