My Itchy Dog Has Cost Us A Fortune!
by Christine C
OMG To begin with why oh why can't Vet's get it right! My poor little 14 pound Rat Terrier cross has been going through hell for a couple of years now with itchy paws, non stop licking and chewing herself and generally lethargic.
First it was thought to be what? who knows! So they immediately put her on the famous Prednisone to get it cleared up but of course it comes right back when the Prednisone runs out. Benadryl 3x a day. Then antibiotics because of infection setting in...and on and on.
OK suddenly they say its a meat-protein allergy, put her on Medical Veggie for 4 difference!
Back again to the Vet....suddenly its yeast infection which I had mentioned 4 months ago but got shot down with oh no its not! So needless to say she is now on an anti-fungal medication which hasn't seemed to have done anything yet, its been 5 days so it may take a few weeks.
So I decide to heck with the no-meat diet and head for the pet food store and go through many different brands to find one that might work for her....the shop owner talks me into Nutro Holistic Super I'm having second thoughts about some of the ingredients.
Does anyone know of a good food for a dog with yeast infection sold in Ontario, Canada?????
Editor's Comments
=================Hi Christine -
How awful for your little pup (and you) to have to go through all of this! We don't blame you for feeling terribly frustrated.
Just wondering, is it just her paws that she's chewing on, or does your dog have other skin problems too? Has it actually been confirmed that your dog does have a yeast infection? Or are you concerned this might be another shot in the dark?
Had you considered possibly seeking a second opinion, or even trying a holistic veterinarian, to see if you can get to the bottom of the true cause of her itching?
A tip for paw chewing: Our last doggie also used to frequently chew on his paws and on one occasion an infection set in. The Vet gave him antibiotics and suggested we give him half a baby Aspirin to bring him some relief. After witnessing the side effects of the medications, we knew we needed another solution. From then onwards, the moment he began chewing, we would soak his paws in warm salt water, drying thoroughly between his toes, and then tying a small sock on his paws. It worked like a charm every time. No more infections, Vet visits or medications required.
If your dog's yeast infection has been confirmed, we'd suggest you go with a
limited ingredient, premium quality, grain-free canned dog food. Note: Remember to read the label to ensure the wet dog food is intended as a “complete” diet, as opposed to “for supplemental feeding only”.Suggestions:
- Petcurean GO! Grain-Free (Canadian Dog Food Company)
- Nature's Variety Instinct Grain-Free
- Addiction Grain-Free
- Newmans Own Organics Grain-Free
- Wellness Grain-Free Core Canned Dog Food
You may also wish to consider the BARF diet for dogs (i.e. raw dog food), in which case we would highly recommend you first consult with a holistic veterinarian.
We really hope this helps! It must be very hard to watch that cute little fur baby suffering so much. :(
A call-out to all our other visitors ... If anyone else has any tips or suggestions for Christine, PLEASE add your comments here!