I just found your site and am digesting all the info about dog food.
We are bummed because we don't have a fantastic picture to submit for the Scoop Dog Photo Contest, but we do have an outstanding video for dog lovers everywhere.
We brought Scooby doo home from foster care on March 19, 2010, where she had been living since February 22. When we met her in February, she weighed only 50 lbs! Now she's at 64 lbs and healthier than ever!
We think she's around two years old. She loves tennis balls, bike rides (she runs ahead for about 2 miles, then sits in the trailer for about 6- it's a riot!), and swimming in the creek or the ocean. Oh, and jumping off the docks!
Of course I think she is the BEST DOG EVER and she's my third. I will look for a good pic or try to take one to send in for the contest. WOOHOO!!
Check it out - it's too fun!
Thanks for all you're doing for dogs.
Thanks again so much! She will love it!
Comments for Scooby - Our Amazing Dock Diving Dog!
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